Empowering youth through Christian mission opportunities.
The foundation serves high school and college students, offering scholarships to make these missions a reality. Student applicants must show that they have taken the initiative and accepted the responsibility to pray and actively seek the Lord’s provision in achieving the dreams God has placed in their hearts.
Diana and Edward Kim have seen the transformative power in serving the Lord and His people overseas. Their dream is to see students experience God’s kingdom in such a deep and powerful way, that when they return home they have more purpose and conviction to live for God and His love.
The goal is to see youth changed inside and out by the power of the gospel, and deepen in maturity and heart as they serve God in the mission field.
Pictured: Maddie Reasnor, the 2015 Trustees Scholarship Recipient, on her first mission trip to the Congo in 2011, with the children she met. After returing from her 2015 trip, she posted this reflection. “This was my second time to Bunia; the last time I went I was 13 years old, and I worked to set up a computer center in the church so that people could learn how to be computer literate for free. This time, I worked with an orphanage, and brought an additional ten computers to add to the Bunia Young Technology Center.